Simulatore RTD di Precisione M631 - Barletta Apparecchi Scientifici

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Precision RTD Simulator M631

M631 Precision RTD Simulator

M631 Precision RTD Simulator

M631 Data Sheet
Click to view in PDF format  (104 KB)

  • Real resistors switched by relays
  • Resistance range 16 Ω - 400 kΩ
  • Simulation accuracy 0.01°C
  • Resistance Accuracy 0.003%
  • Maximal voltage 200 Vpk
  • Resolution from 0.001°C
  • Range of Pt sensor temperature simulation -200°C - +850°C
  • Connection 2, 3, 4-wire
  • Remote control RS232, optionally USB, IEEE488, Ethernet


Model M631 is high accuracy RTD simulator with range from 16 Ω to 400 kΩ. Basic accuracy is 0.01°C, resolution is 0.001°C. Decade consists of highly stable foil resistors switched with combination of relays. Apart from RTD temperature sensor simulation (temperature setting in degree of Celsius or Fahrenheit) the M631 can be also used as a standard resistance decade.
Instrument can be controlled via RS232, USB, LAN or GPIB interface. Decade uses internal power supply with very low noise level. Simulator can be used also for AC application. Typical frequency response is in the datasheet.

Typical use

RTD simulator is designed for calibration laboratories for tempertature testing of RTD evaluation units like temperature regulators, transducers, etc. Having resistance simulation function, M631 can be also used as ohmmeter calibrator or as device for quality testing in industry as well.
Simulator can be ordered as 19" module for easy assembling into a 19" rack. Module height is 3HE.

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