Chroma-EV Automatic Test Solutions - Barletta Apparecchi Scientifici

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Electric Vehicle Test Solutions
Power Electronic Component Automatic Test Systems
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Chroma’s Automated Test Systems for Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles consist of standard test platforms that are combined into one expandable test system that can test most power components in an EV’s power system. Compared to specialized test equipment developed for a single EV model or application, Chroma’s systems provide greater flexibility.
The system relies on Chroma’s extensive expertise in power electronics and enables seamless testing of EV supply equipment (EVSE), on-board chargers, DC-to-DC converters, and motor drivers, and other power electronics. The Chroma 8000 test system can be configured with AC and DC power supplies, electronic loads, power analyzers, oscilloscopes, DMMs, as well as digital and analog I/O cards to address the requirements of multiple power electronic systems.
The Chroma 8000 Automated Test System meets the requirements of SAE J1772 and GB/T 18487.1 for full function testing of AC level 1 and level 2 electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) and is built to address the testing needs of EVs’ and PHEV’s from R&D to QA, production, and field service.

In addition to hardware flexibility, Chroma’s Automated Test System software includes a range of pre-written tests and the ability to create custom tests, allowing users unlimited freedom in how their products are tested. The system also provides automatic data recording and statistical report creation, giving insight into opportunities for product improvement. This combination of configurable hardware and software enables manufacturers to reduce cost and ensure consistency through all phases of the product lifecycle.
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EV Charging Compatibility ATS
Electric Vehicle Charging Compatibility ATS
Model 8000

  • Simulates the behavior of AC/DC EVSE to test a variety of EV functions during its charging process
  • Provides the signal specifications for EVSE signals defined by different global standards and tests the EV

EV OBC/DC-DC Converter ATS
EV OBC/DC-DC Converter ATS
Model 8000

  • ATS for testing EV OBC and DC-DC converters
  • Supporting QC/T 895 and GB/T 24347 standards, conveniently implement relevant electrical and communication tests
HCU/DC-DC Converter ATS
HCU/DC-DC Converter ATS
Model 8000

  • Customized system for hybrid controller unit and DC-DC converter testing
  • Microsoft word based evaluation report or UUT characterization
Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment ATS
Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment ATS (EVSE ATS)
Model 8000

  • Supports a wide range of global standards, including SAE, CNS, NB/T, GB/T, IEC, DIN, and CHAdeMO
  • Simulates EV in different scenarios and grid environments

EV Wireless Power Transfer ATS
EV Wireless Power Transfer ATS
Model 8000

  • Pre-defined test cases according to SAE J2954 and GB/T 38775 regulations
  • User-friendly software to control power devices for WPT testing
  • Customized automatic XYZ-positioning fixture for roll, pitch and yaw testing

Automatic Test System ATS8000
Electrical Equipment ATS
Model 8900

  • Open architecture software
  • Expandable hardware
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